Sky Harbor Airport

Project Information

  • Project: Sky Harbor Airport
  • Category: Government
  • Date: xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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Sky Harbor Airport

When Top Onyx used its interior design insight to remodel Sky Harbor Airport, their amazing craftsmanship took center stage. The project improved the aesthetics and use of the airport by addressing interiors, counters, tiling, and marbling.

Beginning with the interiors, Top Onyx skillfully merged modern design features with the airport's particular needs to produce a warm and effective sitting area for travelers. Our expert countertop installations improved the airport's aesthetic appeal while also adding longevity and maintenance simplicity.

Top Onyx provided eye-catching highlights throughout the airport by utilizing magnificent tiling and marbling methods, enhancing Sky Harbor's standing as a top-tier transit hub. Top Onyx is the go-to company for high-impact graphics because of their precision and attention to detail, which have made a lasting impression on both travelers and airport workers.

  • Dependable Countertops
  • Effortless Elegance
  • Creative Tiling
  • Visual Excellence
  • Stunning Marbling
  • Airport Makeover